Leader as Coach
Coaching is a fundamental leadership skill and practice. It allows us to develop the capability of our people and the capacity of our organisations. Yet many people find coaching overwhelming or confusing. However the underlying principles in coaching are actually quite simple, and that’s what we will cover together in this course.
In this course we discuss what coaching is and isn’t. Coaching is like a tool in our tool belt - it’s not always the right tool to use, so it’s important to be clear about when to use coaching. We will discuss boundaries and confidentiality, making sure we set our coaching relationships up well. We cover core skills around asking questions, active listening, and note taking. Throughout the course we use a proven and well known approach to coaching - the GROW model.
Upon completing the course you have the opportunity to earn a digital credential and badge. Go to www.leadership.today/earn to share what you've learned and how you're applying those skills and we will issue your credential via Credly within 7 days.
PDF A4 Size - Leader as Coach Workbook
1.27 MB
PDF US Letter Size - Leader as Coach Workbook
1.26 MB
PDF - GROW Coaching Reference Card
76.8 KB
01 Introduction
02 What is Coaching?
03 Benefits for Those Being Coached
04 Why Leader as Coach?
05 Boundaries and Confidentiality
06 Levels of Listening
07 Active Listening
08 Types of Questions
09 GROW Coaching Overview
10 Goal Stage
11 Reality Stage
12 Options Stage
13 Will Stage
14 Note Taking
15 When to Use Coaching
16 Try it Out
17 Four Tools in One
18 Peer Coaching
19 Making a Change