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Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations

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Difficult Conversations
  • How To - Bring A New Team Together

    Whether it’s a completely new team, or a change in the members of a team, it can be challenging to bring a new team together. In this video we explore the stages of team development, and ways to build cohesion and purpose within your team.

  • How To - Handle Sensitive Issues at Work

    When sensitive issues arise in the workplace it can be hard to know what to say and do. We might shy away from political and social issues, or find it difficult to respond to those taking a particular stand on an issue. In this video we explore practical ways to handle political and other sensiti...

  • How To - Manage a Persistently Negative Team Member

    Negativity can really impact a team’s motivation and performance. In this video we explore how to manage a persistently negative team member.

  • How To - Deal With Underperformance

    Leadership is challenging at the best of times, but even more so when people aren’t hitting the mark. In this video we explore how to deal with underperformance.

  • How To - Ask For A Pay Rise

    It can be one of the most tricky conversations to have with your manager. In this video we look at how to ask for a pay rise.

  • How To - Deal With Cynicism

    Cynicism in others can be challenging for a leader. In this video we outline some practical steps you can take to deal with cynicism in the workplace.

  • How To - Be More Assertive at Work

    Many people want to be more assertive at work. In this video we explore assertiveness as a type of conversation.

  • How To - Negotiate Flexible Work

    Negotiations around returning to the office continue around the world. Many senior leaders want people back in the office, citing perceptions of collaboration and culture suffering under remote working. Many employees have a different perspective. We consider six steps to address the conflict ass...

  • How To - Lead Across Cultures

    It can be challenging working across cultures. There are core assumptions in our cultural world view that we may not even recognise. In this video we explore a model of cultural difference along with six practical ways to work across cultures more effectively.

  • How To - Listen as an Extravert

    Extraverted individuals are often seen as more comfortable and confident in social situations. This might appear to set extraverts up for success at work and in leadership, but a recent study suggests there may be a downside. Extraverts are often rated lower in listening skills. In this video we ...

  • How To - Tackle Disagreement

    Disagreements take a lot of effort and mental energy. It makes sense to resolve them as soon as possible. In this video we explore five ways to move forward when you need to tackle disagreement.

  • How To - Address Rudeness at Work

    Some have described rudeness and incivility in our workplaces as an epidemic. I’m sure each of use can share anecdotal stories of angry and rude people. These examples do tend to stick in our minds. But is it really an epidemic? In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, researche...

  • How To - Have Difficult Conversations

    It’s natural to be fearful of difficult conversations. We often become caught up with the downside risks - that we will damage the relationship or create even more challenges. However the best leaders become more and more comfortable with difficult conversations the more they practice. Learn more...

  • How To - Deal with Defensiveness

    I am sure that you have needed to work with a defensive person before. Perhaps they just didn’t want to hear some feedback that is being provided. Or they quickly blamed others when something went wrong. Maybe they were resistant to new initiatives and changes. In this video we discuss three ways...

  • How To - Decide if a Problem is Worth Tackling

    We can often be approached to address interpersonal issues or other sensitive topics. It's important to decide what issues are worth tackling, and which aren't. In this video we explore a simple question to ask to help decide if a problem is worth tackling.

  • How To - Turn Criticism into Feedback and Growth

    Feedback isn't always easy to give or receive. In this video we explore why that's the case, and tips for giving and receiving feedback more effectively.

  • How To - Share Bad News

    It's difficult to share bad news well. People have a tendency to "shoot the messenger" - placing the blame for the bad news on the person sharing it, and then avoiding that person. But there are simple steps we can take when sharing bad news.

  • How To - Say No While Remaining Helpful

    Being able to say "no" is a key part of being an effective leader. But how do we do it and still remain helpful? In this video we share two tips that will help.

  • How To - Provide Accurate Performance Feedback

    People often overestimate their performance. Here are some tips on how to address this and provide accurate performance feedback.

  • How To - Tackle Conflict Head On

    Most people think of conflict as negative and something to be avoided. But in a diverse workplace, conflict is inevitable and can be productive. Take time to review these tips for tackling conflict head on.

  • How To - Influence Others More Effectively

    Influencing is most effective when you use a range of approaches. Here are the influencing tactics that work best.

  • How To - Deliver Negative Feedback

    Leaders often avoid providing negative feedback, however it is an important part of managing performance. Providing more positive feedback and applying four principles from research can make a big difference.

  • How To - Provide Feedback in the Moment

    Many leaders struggle to provide feedback. Here are some tips to help you provide feedback in the moment.

  • How To - Be More Courageous

    Whether it's speaking up in meetings, taking on challenging projects, or navigating uncertain situations, courage plays a pivotal role at work. In this video we explore how to be more courageous at work.