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How To...

How To...

How To...
  • How To - Multiply Support Through Community

    If you needed help, who would you turn to? Most of us have a few friends or work colleagues that we can turn to for help. But how supportive do you think these people would be? It turns out that how much these colleagues and friends know and like each other has an impact on the level of support w...

  • How To - Harness the Power of Options

    Options are powerful. One characteristic of those with high levels of hope is a focus on multiple pathways. When they're faced with a challenge or obstacle, those with hope quickly determine options to still reach their goals. But what about you? When you're faced with a challenge or problem, how...

  • How To - Balance Challenge and Support

    When working in teams, there are two main roles we can take to improve performance and build cohesion. Learn more about challenging and supportive roles in this video.

  • How To - Help People to Pay Attention

    Attention is a limited resource. It can be hard to maintain your attention on one task over an extended period of time. You can think of attention like a tank that is gradually depleted over time. Even when people report that they are engaged with a task, the research demonstrates that their atte...

  • How To - Optimise the Three Stages in Any Meeting

    When people complain about meetings, it's usually about how they are run rather than the meeting itself. Ineffective meetings often end up leading to even more meetings. Being able to plan and run an effective meeting is a core skill for any leader. Recognising the three key stages in any meeting...

  • How To - Change the Plan, Not the Goal

    We face change every day of our lives. In leadership roles it can be hard to know how to handle ongoing change and uncertainty. When change occurs one of the criticisms leaders might face is that they're constantly moving the goal posts. In this video we explore the differences between plans and ...

  • How To - Learn at Double Speed

    No doubt you’ve watched a video or listened to a podcast or audio book at double speed. Our ability to still absorb information when it is coming at us twice as fast is quite amazing. But surely there’s a drop off in how much we’re actually taking in. Well, according to a recent study published i...

  • How To - Decide When to Use Feedback and Coaching

    Feedback and coaching are two core skills that all leaders need. However, we can often confuse the goals of feedback and coaching. As a result, we may be unclear about the type of conversation we’re having, confusing those we are speaking with. In this video we explore when to use feedback and co...

  • How To - Improve Your Goals with One Word

    How are those New Years’ resolutions going? If you’re like most people the goals you set are probably starting to slip. Given we know so much about goal setting, why is it that we just can’t seem to follow through with our goals? One of the key issues we face is the language we use when setting g...

  • How To - Address Rudeness at Work

    Some have described rudeness and incivility in our workplaces as an epidemic. I’m sure each of use can share anecdotal stories of angry and rude people. These examples do tend to stick in our minds. But is it really an epidemic? In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, researche...

  • How To - Build Resilience Through Leadership

    Researchers Kyle Brykman and Danielle King found that leaders play an important role when it comes to resilience, particularly within teams. They studied 48 tech startup teams to identify what made a difference when it came to resilience and learning. They found a key element in team resilience i...

  • How To - Have Difficult Conversations

    It’s natural to be fearful of difficult conversations. We often become caught up with the downside risks - that we will damage the relationship or create even more challenges. However the best leaders become more and more comfortable with difficult conversations the more they practice. Learn more...

  • How To - Fuel Motivation Through Humour

    As organisations are increasingly needing to become more innovative, research suggests that humour may provide part of the answer. Learn about three practical tips for incorporating humour into the way you lead.

  • How To - Structure One on One Meetings

    It’s no secret that people hate performance reviews. They are one of those 'must do' activities that both managers and team members tend to dislike. In this video we explore a regular one-on-one meeting format that can help address the challenges of performance management and engagement.

  • How To - Improve Your Health by Regaining Control

    Autonomy is recognised as one of the core motivators people have in the workplace. With greater freedom and control over the way we perform our work comes higher levels of motivation and commitment. Research suggests that greater job control also improves our health and reduces our likelihood of ...

  • How To - Build Healthy Leadership Habits

    Leadership habits are important. We all have routines and disciplines that either help or hinder our leadership impact. The good news is that leadership is a set of skills and behaviours that we can all learn and develop. Leadership is what we do every day that helps us to achieve results through...

  • How To - Make the Most Out of Practice

    “Practice makes perfect”, at least that’s how the old saying goes. In fact, you’ve probably also heard that 10,000 hours of practice makes you an expert. While the general principle is right, that practice is an essential part of becoming an expert, the exact number of hours is at best arbitrary....

  • How To - Not Be So Hard On Yourself

    We’ve all had moments when we feel like we’ve let others down. They can really play havoc on our well-being and productivity. So how do we best respond in those moments? Research demonstrates that a little self-compassion goes a long way. In this video we explore the three components of self-comp...

  • How To - Make Yourself More Creative

    In a world that’s unpredictable, creativity is more important than ever. But we often treat creativity like it’s an inherited skill - something you’re either born with, or not.  Does that then rule the non-creative types out? Or can we make ourselves more creative? In this video we explore five w...

  • How To - Train to Retain

    Research reveals that investing in the development of our people increases employee retention, even when they gain skills that can pay more. Learn more about the research and how to apply it with your team.

  • How To - Reduce Stress for Your Team

    There is plenty of stress around at the moment. As leaders, managing ongoing and acute stress effectively for ourselves and our teams is essential. Few things spread faster than the negative emotions associated with stress and fear. In this video we explore one practical way to reduce stress for ...

  • How To - Reduce Stress Through Exercise

    If you have a stressful job chances are you already know that exercise will help. Exercise reduces stress. But research also demonstrates that the stress we experience at work reduces our desire to exercise. In this video we share four ideas to increase and make the most out of exercise.

  • How To - Delegate Effectively in Eight Steps

    There are many reasons why people don’t delegate. Perhaps they are worried about quality of the results. Or they just don’t have the time to delegate. Many have had bad experiences with delegation going wrong in the past. However, effective delegation is at the core of great leadership. The rate ...

  • How To - Benefit Others Through Mindfulness

    Mindfulness has seen dramatically increased popularity in recent years, particularly within Western organisations. And why not? Mindfulness has repeatedly demonstrated lots of personal benefits for individuals. As a result, mindfulness almost automatically appears in leadership development traini...