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How To...

How To...

How To...
  • How To - Productively Fail

    How do you think about failure? For most people, failure is something to be avoided at all costs. However, failure and mistakes are an essential part of learning. In fact, if we want to learn and develop, we definitely need more productive failure - failure that pushes us forward and leaves us be...

  • How To - Deal with Defensiveness

    I am sure that you have needed to work with a defensive person before. Perhaps they just didn’t want to hear some feedback that is being provided. Or they quickly blamed others when something went wrong. Maybe they were resistant to new initiatives and changes. In this video we discuss three ways...

  • How To - Decide When to Set a Stretch Goal

    Stretch goals are incredibly popular for individuals and organisations. But are they effective? It depends on two key conditions. Learn more about the right time to set a stretch goal for yourself and your team.

  • How To - See Potential in People

    What we think about people has an impact not just on how we personally perceive them, but also on their actual behaviour. In this video we explore five ways to challenge our thinking and demonstrate belief in others' potential.

  • How To - Apply Strategic Foresight

    It’s a classic challenge - How do we lead others through times of uncertainty when we’re not clear ourselves? Perhaps our industry is going through significant change. Or perhaps you report into a leadership team that hasn’t provided a clear strategy and direction. We can’t just make things up - ...

  • How To - Use Empathy in Leadership

    The topic of empathy in leadership can lead to some really interesting conversations. Many leaders will talk about empathy being absolutely essential to leading others effectively - and they’re right. Others will talk about the risk of empathy leading to burnout as we take on the concerns of othe...

  • How To - Make the Most of Having People Together

    There has been a lot of debate and discussion about the need for offices. The global pandemic revealed just how possible it was for many people to work from anywhere. But research indicates there are five reasons to occasionally bring people together. In this video we explore how to make the most...

  • How To - Stop Procrastinating

    Procrastination plagues many of us. In fact, research suggests that around 25% of people have procrastination as a defining personality trait. But whether you procrastinate all the time or just every so often, I’m sure you would love to procrastinate a little less. Learn some practical steps to try.

  • How To - Get Ahead at Work

    There’s a popular myth in business that being self-centred and cold towards others can help you to get ahead. That if I act like an intimidating jerk, it will help me to get ahead at work. But does this actually work? We explore the research in this video.

  • How To - Decide if a Problem is Worth Tackling

    We can often be approached to address interpersonal issues or other sensitive topics. It's important to decide what issues are worth tackling, and which aren't. In this video we explore a simple question to ask to help decide if a problem is worth tackling.

  • How To - Use Entrance Interviews

    Many organisations have exit interviews with people who are leaving the organisation. However, it’s important not just to focus on those leaving our organisation - after all, they’ve already decided to move on. We need to also capitalise on those who are newer to our organisation and the fresh pe...

  • How To - Use Ten Great Leadership Questions

    With the advent of the Internet and AI, answers have become prevalent and cheap. It’s now the trustworthiness and quality of answers that varies. Questions are the valuable commodity now. In this video we explore 10 great questions you can use as a leader.

  • How To - Have Better (and Fewer) Meetings

    Over the past 50 years, the average amount of time leaders spend in meetings has steadily increased from below 10 hours per week in the 1960s to now approaching 23 hours per week. Research reveals three factors we need to get right to make meetings effective. We also share five ways to have bette...

  • How To - Turn Criticism into Feedback and Growth

    Feedback isn't always easy to give or receive. In this video we explore why that's the case, and tips for giving and receiving feedback more effectively.

  • How To - Take a Break

    Being busy and being effective rarely go together. In this video we explore the importance of recovery and breaks for our performance. You will find seven ideas for making a change to the way you work to deliver even greater results while also looking after yourself and others.

  • How To - Inspire Others from the Outside In

    The key mechanism of effective leadership is aligned motivation. As leaders we want a group of people who aren’t just motivated, but are motivated towards the same vision and objectives. Our job as leaders isn’t to motivate people, but rather to inspire them. When we inspire someone we are sparki...

  • How To - Share Bad News

    It's difficult to share bad news well. People have a tendency to "shoot the messenger" - placing the blame for the bad news on the person sharing it, and then avoiding that person. But there are simple steps we can take when sharing bad news.

  • How To - Make the Workplace More Fun

    A fun workplace isn't just a nice thing. Having fun at work has significant impacts on performance, engagement, and stress. But research shows that not all fun is created equal. In this video we explore why fun works best when it's part of the job itself.

  • How To - Continue Learning at Work

    In this video we explore the four drivers of learning identified by Charles Jennings - exposure to challenging experiences, opportunities to practice, participation in networks, and spaces for reflection.

  • How To - Benefit From Doing Good

    Research demonstrates there are numerous benefits for individuals and organisations from kindness and doing good at work. We provide three ideas to boost the amount of kindness in your workplace.

  • How To - Pause Before You Pivot

    There’s a lot of focus at the moment on the need for organisations and individuals to pivot. In this video we explore the four C's you should consider before making a change - Capability, Content, Channel and Call.

  • How To - Build Hope

    The concept of hope captures the human imagination. It's more than just optimistic thinking. Research demonstrates that we can build hope for ourselves and our teams. In this video we explore the research and share four ways a leader can build hope for themselves and others.

  • How To - Avoid Micromanagement

    With remote working, there's more micromanagement than ever before. In this video we explore what drives a leader to micromanage, and five tips to avoid it.

  • How To - Deal with Jargon

    The use of jargon has a negative impact on our ability to communicate clearly. Research shows that even when we explain jargon, it still reduces our influence.