How To - Overcome a Fear of Delegation
Most leaders struggle with delegation. Here are some principles to keep in mind to delegate effectively.
How To - Gain Input From Others
Even the best leaders need to listen to broad perspectives. While your experience and expertise are invaluable, tapping into the insights of your team members can lead to more well-rounded and innovative solutions. Learn four practical ways to gain input in this video.
How To - Deal With Underperformance
Leadership is challenging at the best of times, but even more so when people aren’t hitting the mark. In this video we explore how to deal with underperformance.
How To - Build Trust
Trust is not just a word, it’s the cornerstone of effective leadership. Anyone who has experienced working with someone they didn't trust understands the detrimental impact a lack of trust can have. In this video we explore practical ways to build and maintain trust.
How To - Memorise A Presentation
This week we’re exploring an ancient technique to help you memorise a presentation with numerous points in a set order.
How To - Start With Identity Not Personal Brand
With the proliferation of influencers and social media over the past decade, there has been an increased focus on building a personal brand. In this video we explore why you're identity is even more important than your brand.
How To - Negotiate Flexible Work
Negotiations around returning to the office continue around the world. Many senior leaders want people back in the office, citing perceptions of collaboration and culture suffering under remote working. Many employees have a different perspective. We consider six steps to address the conflict ass...
How To - Engage People Through Flexible Hours
While the debate about returning to the office continues, a recent survey demonstrated that people care more about flexibility over when they worked than where they worked. Psychology demonstrates that the why of work matters even more. Learn more about how you can engage people in this video.
How To - Encourage People to Take on Small Tasks
If you want someone to complete a simple task for you, are you better off setting a one week deadline, a one month deadline, or no deadline at all? A team of researchers explored just this question, and their results may surprise you. Learn more in this video.
How To - Build Professional Connections
One of the challenges and opportunities in any career is building and maintaining professional connections. For some of us, even hearing the word “networking” gets our heart racing - and not in a good way. In this video we explore three attachment types that can help us understand how to network ...
How To - Listen as an Extravert
Extraverted individuals are often seen as more comfortable and confident in social situations. This might appear to set extraverts up for success at work and in leadership, but a recent study suggests there may be a downside. Extraverts are often rated lower in listening skills. In this video we ...
How To - Keep Good Ideas Alive
In our teams we want to cultivate the right ideas. That means keeping an eye out for others’ good ideas and helping them to grow. Researchers have identified five practical things leaders can do to cultivate others’ good ideas. Learn more in this video.
How To - Tackle Disagreement
Disagreements take a lot of effort and mental energy. It makes sense to resolve them as soon as possible. In this video we explore five ways to move forward when you need to tackle disagreement.
How To - Avoid Excessive Pride
We’ve all heard the expression, pride comes before a fall. Being proud of our achievements is fine. The issue is when we elevate ourselves above others or think we are infallible. So whenever there is a track record of success, pride can become a problem. Learn five ways to avoid this risk.
How To - Change the Plan, Not the Goal
We face change every day of our lives. In leadership roles it can be hard to know how to handle ongoing change and uncertainty. When change occurs one of the criticisms leaders might face is that they're constantly moving the goal posts. In this video we explore the differences between plans and ...
How To - Have Difficult Conversations
It’s natural to be fearful of difficult conversations. We often become caught up with the downside risks - that we will damage the relationship or create even more challenges. However the best leaders become more and more comfortable with difficult conversations the more they practice. Learn more...
How To - Deal with Defensiveness
I am sure that you have needed to work with a defensive person before. Perhaps they just didn’t want to hear some feedback that is being provided. Or they quickly blamed others when something went wrong. Maybe they were resistant to new initiatives and changes. In this video we discuss three ways...
How To - Use Ten Great Leadership Questions
With the advent of the Internet and AI, answers have become prevalent and cheap. It’s now the trustworthiness and quality of answers that varies. Questions are the valuable commodity now. In this video we explore 10 great questions you can use as a leader.
How To - Inspire Others from the Outside In
The key mechanism of effective leadership is aligned motivation. As leaders we want a group of people who aren’t just motivated, but are motivated towards the same vision and objectives. Our job as leaders isn’t to motivate people, but rather to inspire them. When we inspire someone we are sparki...
How To - Share Bad News
It's difficult to share bad news well. People have a tendency to "shoot the messenger" - placing the blame for the bad news on the person sharing it, and then avoiding that person. But there are simple steps we can take when sharing bad news.
How To - Build Hope
The concept of hope captures the human imagination. It's more than just optimistic thinking. Research demonstrates that we can build hope for ourselves and our teams. In this video we explore the research and share four ways a leader can build hope for themselves and others.
How To - Deal with Jargon
The use of jargon has a negative impact on our ability to communicate clearly. Research shows that even when we explain jargon, it still reduces our influence.
How To - Say No While Remaining Helpful
Being able to say "no" is a key part of being an effective leader. But how do we do it and still remain helpful? In this video we share two tips that will help.
Interview - Dr Alexa Chilcutt
In this conversation, Dr. Alexa Chilcutt discusses the importance of executive communication and public speaking skills. She explains that anxiety around public speaking stems from the fear of being judged and evaluated. However, she emphasises that with practice and a clear process, individuals ...