Belinda Morgan - The Future is Flexible
Belinda Morgan is a coach and consultant whose career has spanned roles as a leadership consultant, organisational coach, management consultant, accountant and tax specialist. She is the author of the new book Solving the Part Time Puzzle: How to decrease your hours, increase your impact and thrive in your part-time role. The book provides support for part time work being a possibility for all roles, while also providing step-by-step advice in making a shift to part time. She coaches individuals and works with organisations looking to implement more flexible arrangements and has a wealth of experience and materials to support that.
Up Next in Masterclasses
Andrew Beveridge - Bring Belonging Back
Psychologist and Founder of Leadership Today, Andrew Beveridge, shares research and practical tips about how to bring belonging back. Make sure you're ready to take notes.
Masterclass - Rid Yourself of Imposto...
Ever felt like a fraud? The fear that one day someone will point out that you actually have no idea what you're doing? Impostor syndrome is surprisingly common, particularly amongst those who aim high and keep developing. But self-doubt can put limits on our ability to make progress, achieve our ...
Webinar: Demystifying Psychological S...
As the concept of psychological safety has become popularised, some of the key elements risk being overlooked. Some inaccurately portray psychologically safe cultures as soft on performance, with low standards, consensus decision making and niceness at all costs leading to risks being ignored.